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QSMs July – September 2020

The national quality and safety marker (QSM) report moved to a dashboard format in December 2020. We have created a guide to help people use and understand the QSM dashboard and its features, see the link below.

The national report is available in the dashboard shown below; the local report is available by clicking the link below (note, this page is password protected).

If you have any questions about the new format, please contact the health quality intelligence team at

Note on change to reporting due to COVID-19

From 1 July 2020, the Commission resumed the requirement for district health boards (DHBs) to report on manually collected QSM measures.

These reports display data for all measures.

DHBs are expected to start collecting data for the consumer engagement QSM in December 2020 and provide an initial report in June 2021.

Related Resources