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Medicines at transitions of care the focus of Te Rā Haumaru Tūroro o Aotearoa | Aotearoa Patient Safety Day 2022

Aotearoa Patient Safety Day
02 September 2022

The Health Quality & Safety Commission will join health care providers in celebrating Te Rā Haumaru Tūroro o Aotearoa | Aotearoa Patient Safety Day 2022 on Thursday 17 November. The focus of our activity is on medicines at transitions of care, which ties in with the World Health Organization’s theme for World Patient Safety Day this year: medication without harm. 

We have three simple key messages, which we are calling ‘the three Ps’: 

  • Provide a complete list of medicines, including indications for the medicines and any changes made. 
  • Patient and whānau understand their medicines and any changes. 
  • Practicalities of accessing the medicines considered before discharge. 

We appreciate that health providers are under strain due to the pressures of COVID-19 and other winter illnesses. Our aim is to celebrate Aotearoa Patient Safety Day without putting a large burden on the sector. 

Information about how to take part and order resources have been sent to our Aotearoa Patient Safety Day contacts in each district. 

If you have any questions about Aotearoa Patient Safety Day or would like to go on our mailing list about it or order resources, please email 

Our website will be updated with information about Aotearoa Patient Safety Day as it is released. Please bookmark the page and check back for updates.