Consumer health forum Aotearoa update – May 2022
Tā te tumu whakarae kupu | Director update
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Since our last update, the consumer health forum Aotearoa ‘Te huarahi ki pae ora | The journey to healthy futures’ was held on 7 April 2022. If you missed this but would like to know what was covered, you can read more below.
Submissions on the code of expectations for consumer and whānau engagement closed on 31 March 2022. A big thank you to everyone who submitted feedback or attended the webinars/forums about the code. We received 169 submissions in total; 100 were from whānau and consumers, and 69 were from consumer organisations, health providers or health entities.
We are now revising the code based on your feedback. It will be reviewed at the Health Quality & Safety Commission and by our consumer network and consumer advisory group, and then it will be sent to the Minister of Health for approval.
The code is also being translated into other languages and will be available in accessible formats.
Noho ora mai,
Chris Walsh
He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care