Change in approach to establishing new National Mortality Review Committee
The Health Quality & Safety Commission is steadily progressing the changes to the national mortality review function, announced in October, of having a single National Mortality Review Committee (NMRC), supported by subject matter expert groups. This follows an independent review by Francis Health which indicated that changes to the current structure could enhance the overall impact of national mortality review, underpinned by a commitment to Te Tiriti and Māori.
The Health Quality & Safety Commission board is confident that these changes will enable a more flexible function that can meet the changing demands the future may bring. The NMRC will have the flexibility to focus on both current and emerging priority areas.
Further meetings with sector stakeholders have been invaluable. As a result, we have decided to move directly to establishing a permanent National Mortality Review Committee (NMRC) from 1 July 2023.
An interim national committee will not be set up. This allows for a simpler transition from the current structure to the new structure without the additional administrative and legal requirements an interim committee would entail.
All current committees will continue until the permanent NMRC is operating on 1 July 2023. Beyond then, members will be invited to become subject matter experts for their existing workstreams.
Call for nominations for new NMRC
By March 2023 we will publish the terms of reference for the new NMRC and begin the appointment process.
We expect to make appointments by the end of May 2023, with the induction of new members happening in June.
Advisory group for establishment phase
From February to June 2023, an advisory group will be in place to engage with the Commission as we move through the implementation phase for the changes, for example the prioritisation framework, operating framework and data requirements.