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22 Jan 2019
New portal for quality and safety marker data
The Commission has developed a new online portal to make it easier for district health boards (DHBs) to submit data for its quality and safety markers (QSMs).
Health Quality Intelligence
08 Nov 2018
Māori and Pacific peoples more likely to suffer from gout, less likely to be treated
Māori and Pacific peoples are less likely to receive appropriate treatment for gout, despite being significantly more likely to be affected by the disease than other ethnicities.
Health Quality Intelligence
06 Nov 2018
Have your say about health care services / Kei te pīrangi mātau ki te rongo korero i a koe!
This week is patient experience survey week and people are being encouraged to have their say about the health care they receive.
Health Quality Intelligence
31 Oct 2018
Survey shows increase across country in family and whānau involvement in patient care
The latest inpatient survey shows a significant increase in the number of patients who felt hospital staff included their family and whānau in discussions about their care.
Health Quality Intelligence
11 Oct 2018
Patients’ experience of primary health care in New Zealand revealed
Most patients feel their GP or practice nurse treats them with kindness, understanding and respect, results of a survey by the Health Quality & Safety Commission and Ministry of Health show.
Health Quality Intelligence Patient experience