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19 Jul 2019
Building quality improvement capability in the mental health and addiction sector
The national mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme (QIP) is building quality improvement capability in the MHA sector by sponsoring and delivering a number of educational courses and workshops.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement19 Jul 2019
National mental health and addiction clinical leaders’ workshop held in Wellington
The learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience project / Te ako mai i ngā pāmamaetanga me te wheako tāngata whaiora me te whānau held a workshop for mental health and addiction clinical leaders on Wednesday 26 June 2019.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement05 Jul 2019
Blog: Equity and quality improvement
Dr Clive Bensemann is the Counties Manukau Health Clinical Lead Integrated Care Mental Health & Addiction and leads the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s mental health and addiction quality improvement programme.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement27 Jun 2019
Blog: Colourism: Skin deep
In this blog, Rangimaarie Painting, a student from the University of Auckland on placement with the Health Quality & Safety Commission, discusses the concept of colourism.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement30 Apr 2019
Quality improvement facilitators graduate
A survey of over 2500 people working in mental health and addiction services has found that, while many feel tāngata whaiora (consumers in these services) are treated with respect, there are challenges in several areas.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement27 Mar 2019
Blog: Whanaungatanga is for everyone
The concept of whanaungatanga is a foundational value of Māori culture, and with the increasing use of te reo Māori the concept has now found its way into the mainstream vernacular.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement30 Jan 2019
Blog: Māori health advancement – how can we do it?
I have worked in mental health for 28 years. Over that time we have arguably made little progress addressing inequities, in particular with Māori. Māori are still up to three times more likely than others to experience mental health issues.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement17 Dec 2018
Survey gives insights into staff views on mental health and addiction services
A survey of over 2500 people working in mental health and addiction services has found that, while many feel tāngata whaiora (consumers in these services) are treated with respect, there are challenges in several areas.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement19 Nov 2018
Clarissa’s lived experience of seclusion
Clarissa Chandrahasen has experienced first-hand the trauma and distress of being secluded.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement26 Oct 2018
MidCentral DHB: Reducing readmission rates amongst high-end users
Discovering that just 20 percent of their mental health and addiction (MHA) service consumers were using 80 percent of the allocated funds provided the impetus for a quality improvement project at MidCentral DHB.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement26 Oct 2018
Whanganui DHB: Improving Service Transitions through focusing on CHOICE
Janice Bowers, clinical nurse manager at Whanganui DHB has been leading a project for ICAMHAS (Infant, child and adolescent mental health and addiction services) to improve the way the department manages service transitions.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement15 Oct 2018
Co-design will help improve transitions
The Connecting Care Project will see health service providers, consumers, and their families and whānau working together to better understand and improve the experience of transitions between or within providers.
Mental health & addiction quality improvement