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28 Jan 2021
An example of effective consumer engagement by HUCHS
In September 2020, the Hutt Union and Community Health Service (HUCHS) launched Te Kete Hauora Patient Advisory Team Workbook which has proven to be an innovative and successful tool in gathering high quality feedback and engagement.
Primary care28 Oct 2020
Collaborative, multidisciplinary approach improves tamariki eczema management
Several Hawke’s Bay families have seen an improvement in the physical and emotional wellbeing of their young tamariki with eczema, thanks to a Whakakotahi quality improvement project.
Primary care04 Sep 2020
Whānau Ora approach supporting diabetes self-management
A Whānau Ora approach to encourage people with diabetes to take control of their own health is having success in the King Country.
Primary care04 Sep 2020
Quality improvement project improves medicines access for remote patients
Patients in remote settlements of eastern Bay of Plenty now have better access to timely and accurate medicines, thanks to a quality improvement project undertaken by the Te Whānau-ā-Apanui Community Health Centre in Te Kaha.
Primary care04 Sep 2020
Project improves addiction clients’ quality of life
Addiction clients of Nelson’s Victory Square Pharmacy now have a better quality of life thanks to a project to improve their physical health.
Primary care07 Aug 2020
Quality improvement project delivers wider health benefits for Tongan community
Patients in remote settlements of eastern Bay of Plenty now have better access to timely and accurate medicines, thanks to a quality improvement project undertaken by the Te Whānau-ā-Apanui Community Health Centre in Te Kaha.
Primary care31 Jul 2020
Nurse-led eczema project delivers major improvement for Hamilton kids and their families
Wanting better management of her baby daughter’s severe facial eczema was behind a Hamilton practice nurse creating a clinic that is delivering great results for the practice’s under five-year-olds suffering from the painful skin condition.
Primary care31 Jul 2020
Final evaluation of the Whakakotahi primary care improvement programme
Whakakotahi is one of the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s key initiatives in primary care. A final evaluation of Whakakotahi was completed by Synergia and builds on the annual interim reports completed in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Primary care17 Apr 2020
Victory Square Pharmacy wins health innovation award
Congratulations to Nelson’s Victory Square Pharmacy. Its Whakakotahi quality improvement project to improve the physical health of people on opioid substitution treatment won the He Tangata/The People – team work with consumer engagement – award.
Primary care18 Mar 2020
The Fono looks to extend award-winning quality improvement project’s reach
An award-winning quality improvement project to reduce the rate of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) among under-25-year-olds in West Auckland’s Tuvaluan community aims to be extended to other Pacific communities.
Primary care30 Jan 2020
The Fono’s Whakakotahi project an award finalist
Congratulations to Auckland health and social services organisation, The Fono, for being selected as a finalist in the inaugural New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards | He Tohu Mauri Ora.
Primary care16 Dec 2019
Congratulations to all the 2019 primary care quality improvement facilitator programme graduates
Congratulations to the 17 representatives who work in primary care throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and completed the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s primary care quality improvement facilitator (PC QIF) programme this year.
Primary care