Open Forum: Resilient health care - embracing the future
We're going virtual
In light of ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 restrictions and after thoughtful discussions with the organising committee, the decision has been made to move this hui to a fully online, virtual experience that will take place on Tuesday, 23 November 2021.
Soon all registered attendees will receive the final agenda and online access instructions. In the meantime, please keep this marked in your calendars.
Please contact Jess Bilton at for all queries.
Modern health care is increasingly recognised as a complex adaptive system. Staff must navigate often-competing demands and dynamic conditions to deliver the safe care patients need.
There is a growing appreciation that health care providers create safe, high-quality care through their ability to adapt every day, and to improvise and adjust. It is this ability, known as system resilience, that allows staff to predict and potentially prevent harm, making safety everyone’s responsibility.
The purpose of this hui is to explore this further and understand how our health and disability sector can create collectively the conditions for system resilience. We want to couple our current processes, which help us understand how failures have occurred (Safety-I), with continuous monitoring and improvement of system resilience and actions, to predict and prevent potential accidents (Safety-II). Through this, we have wider opportunities to understand how to keep everybody in health care safe.
Who should attend?
Anybody with an interest in resilient health care within primary and hospital care settings.
Event flyer
Download the event flyer here (617.90 KB)
Available soon.
The cost to attend is $100 + GST.
- Individuals register here.
- Groups (2-10) register here.
Professor Paul Bowie
Paul is a safety scientist, medical educator and chartered ergonomist and human factors specialist with NHS Education for Scotland based in Glasgow, where he is programme director (safety and improvement) and director of the Safety, Skills and Improvement Research Collaborative. He has worked in the National Health Service in Scotland for over 25 years in a range of quality and safety advisory roles.
He gained his doctorate in significant event analysis from the University of Glasgow in 2004. He has published over 120 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and co-edited a book on safety and improvement in health care. Paul is also honorary professor and a PhD supervisor/examiner at the University of Glasgow and honorary senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. He is honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of General Practitioners, and a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.
Carolyn Canfield
Citizen-patient and Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia, Canada
Carolyn Canfield works as a citizen–patient across Canada and internationally to expand opportunities for patients, carers and communities to partner with health care professionals in research, teaching, improvement and governance. Arising from sudden widowhood after her husband's care failures in 2008, Carolyn’s full-time volunteering earned her recognition as Canada’s first patient safety champion and appointment as adjunct professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. She works with the Innovation Support Unit in the Department of Family Practice, teaches patient safety in the undergraduate medical programme and School of Nursing, and is a member of the admissions sub-committee in the Department of Medicine. Since 2014 Carolyn has advanced a patient perspective within the Resilient Health Care Network. Her commitment to research includes contributions as co-researcher, advisor and reviewer for many Canadian and international projects and establishments. Carolyn co-founded ‘Patients in Education’ in British Columbia and the national Patient Advisors Network to develop capacity and leadership in citizen–patients across Canada.
Jo Wailling
Research associate, restorative justice programme, School of Government, Victoria University of Wellington
Jo is an associate of the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice and a registered nurse who has worked in multiple health care settings and roles for over 20 years. She is currently involved in several projects involving restorative practice, resilient health care and human factors with the Ministry of Health, Health Quality & Safety Commission and the Accident Compensation Corporation.
Jo is a researcher, facilitator and advisor, and has applied restorative practice and resilient health care principles to nurture safety culture, support consumers and staff involved in adverse events and resolve bullying and conflict. She researches safe health care and has published, presented and consults in international forums. Her PhD is evaluating if restorative practices can respond to health care harm to restore wellbeing and nurture resilient health care systems.
Dr Carl Horsley
Carl is an intensivist in the critical care complex at Middlemore Hospital, standing down as clinical head in 2018 to pursue his interests in safety science and quality improvement in health care.
Carl is due to complete a MSc Human Factors and System Safety, Lund University, Sweden in 2020. Meanwhile he continues to be involved in several committees, which include the National Burns Service Committee (2010–18), Deteriorating Patient Committee, Middlemore Hospital (2016–present) and Adverse Events Committee, Counties Manukau District Health Board.
More information
For more information contact the Commission's events team at