Free webinar: Immunisations for older people and managing multidrug-resistant organisms in aged residential care
As we get older, immunisations are still important because our immune system can become less effective at protecting us from some diseases. Immunisation is a proven and safe way to protect against diseases that can cause serious illness and sometimes even death.
As rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to rise in Aotearoa New Zealand, the responsibility for and management of the use of antibiotics also becomes more important. Aged residential care facilities are a key area of transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) within the community. In the aged residential care setting, there are frequent transfers between the acute hospital setting and back to the care home. This, along with an overuse of antibiotics in the community, can lead to more cases of MDRO in aged residential care.
Even if a resident does not usually receive antibiotics, they are still at risk of picking up a MDRO if a lot of antibiotics are used. Managers, nurses and carers who work in the care home all have a part to play in reducing the amount of antibiotics used and minimising the increase and spread of MDRO.
Our speakers
- Jane Aoys, Education Facilitator, the Immunisation Advisory Centre
- Dr Brendon Arnold, Infectious Diseases Physician, Te Whatu Ora Southern