PQI01-Diabetes Short-term Complications Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for short term complications of diabetes per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 21.7 23.3 24.5 29.0 32.2 30.6 28.6 27.0 122 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 37.5 42.0 42.0 38.7 40.8 39.0 39.0 43.4 84 193510.0
Canterbury 43.0 41.7 44.3 41.7 37.9 39.3 37.6 41.0 195 475425.0
Capital & Coast 30.7 36.3 32.5 36.2 33.1 28.5 27.7 27.6 73 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 30.6 33.7 34.8 37.8 38.9 35.5 38.8 38.0 176 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 72.6 61.7 59.0 53.6 58.9 42.8 93.6 93.5 35 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 54.5 50.5 45.2 51.9 62.6 61.7 67.0 67.6 89 131580.0
Hutt Valley 51.5 45.5 46.3 53.8 42.0 37.7 50.3 49.4 59 119475.0
Lakes 80.4 88.6 95.8 81.3 83.7 92.0 106.3 116.9 98 83860.0
MidCentral 43.7 45.7 45.0 54.0 64.5 75.4 75.4 66.9 96 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 46.4 43.0 35.8 36.5 38.9 40.3 42.7 43.3 55 126975.0
Northland 57.8 65.4 61.1 62.3 59.5 57.1 64.2 71.6 102 142375.0
South Canterbury 68.5 68.3 62.3 44.1 36.1 32.0 28.0 39.9 20 50105.0
Southern 40.3 39.4 38.3 40.8 40.1 43.7 44.8 41.0 110 268515.0
Taranaki 70.0 71.8 75.9 66.5 73.6 70.3 72.3 67.0 66 98460.0
Waikato 66.0 62.7 61.4 61.1 57.5 61.2 64.2 61.2 204 333485.0
Wairarapa 40.7 48.8 46.0 37.9 35.1 37.8 43.2 40.4 15 37095.0
Waitemata 26.8 29.4 29.8 27.1 27.8 26.5 25.9 27.7 149 537110.0
West Coast 71.7 78.7 82.3 75.0 53.6 49.9 78.5 85.5 24 28082.5
Whanganui 80.6 80.6 78.6 76.6 62.5 72.6 72.6 70.6 35 49575.0

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PQI02 - Perforated Appendix Admission Rate
shows the number of hospital admissions for perforations or abscesses of the appendix per 1,000 admissions for listed appendicitis,
among people aged 15 years and older, by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 314.98 310.42 316.70 312.64 316.81 317.60 341.20 337.37 167 495
Bay of Plenty 400.72 406.84 403.23 394.85 366.81 381.53 383.72 369.34 106 287
Canterbury 369.26 362.65 369.26 386.14 368.24 360.96 344.11 330.37 186 563
Capital & Coast 275.74 261.48 255.03 272.11 275.62 307.41 335.71 307.42 87 283
Counties Manukau Health 410.43 400.00 369.77 369.13 398.72 400.00 419.22 410.68 200 487
Hauora Tairawhiti 436.36 407.41 381.82 351.85 381.82 410.26 344.83 306.45 19 62
Hawke's Bay 291.67 274.11 297.14 288.14 284.09 335.44 362.64 395.48 70 177
Hutt Valley 234.04 203.82 254.90 329.34 358.97 361.84 367.09 337.35 56 166
Lakes 419.85 374.05 358.21 326.24 300.75 328.13 348.84 375.00 51 136
MidCentral 524.69 476.19 465.52 493.75 535.48 573.33 580.88 591.24 81 137
Nelson Marlborough 328.86 314.29 345.59 335.48 328.95 337.58 335.40 339.87 52 153
Northland 293.19 306.36 296.30 267.97 289.16 281.61 298.34 315.22 58 184
South Canterbury 180.00 193.55 197.18 214.29 290.32 339.29 370.37 384.62 20 52
Southern 296.61 265.96 237.70 204.13 217.50 229.83 241.46 246.79 96 389
Taranaki 338.84 352.46 315.32 305.08 275.23 245.61 291.34 325.20 40 123
Waikato 277.06 282.85 290.25 306.49 307.00 338.39 338.03 318.46 157 493
Wairarapa 314.29 317.07 414.63 404.76 391.30 488.37 476.19 468.75 15 32
Waitemata 328.48 353.41 345.48 333.85 353.29 337.54 359.21 384.96 261 678
West Coast 416.67 434.78 428.57 416.67 411.76 458.33 483.87 435.90 17 39
Whanganui 584.42 506.02 457.83 411.76 375.00 388.89 500.00 523.81 33 63

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PQI03 - Diabetes Long-term Complications Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for long term complications of diabetes per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 33.3 33.8 34.4 36.9 34.6 35.9 36.6 34.6 156 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 55.5 56.8 57.8 50.2 53.8 63.4 72.2 79.1 153 193510.0
Canterbury 28.2 31.0 28.7 28.7 26.6 25.6 31.3 31.6 150 475425.0
Capital & Coast 40.3 42.8 45.9 46.9 42.3 41.7 36.0 39.3 104 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 52.3 53.8 53.8 52.7 57.3 55.8 60.4 61.8 286 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 94.1 110.0 101.9 101.8 128.6 90.9 93.6 85.4 32 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 50.7 50.5 53.6 51.2 55.8 51.0 55.6 61.6 81 131580.0
Hutt Valley 59.1 55.6 58.1 58.8 65.6 62.9 66.2 70.3 84 119475.0
Lakes 73.2 70.7 58.7 56.2 44.3 41.8 54.9 59.6 50 83860.0
MidCentral 82.5 82.3 92.1 96.0 86.9 85.2 81.7 80.1 115 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 32.0 31.1 35.8 35.7 41.3 42.7 37.9 43.3 55 126975.0
Northland 78.5 90.3 90.3 89.9 92.8 79.7 89.6 96.2 137 142375.0
South Canterbury 42.3 44.2 38.2 38.1 34.1 42.0 50.0 43.9 22 50105.0
Southern 42.2 46.6 46.6 51.3 50.9 49.7 48.6 41.3 111 268515.0
Taranaki 56.6 58.5 64.6 75.7 73.6 75.4 74.4 70.1 69 98460.0
Waikato 67.2 69.6 69.6 64.5 64.2 67.5 75.0 84.9 283 333485.0
Wairarapa 81.5 70.4 67.7 43.3 54.1 70.2 83.7 83.6 31 37095.0
Waitemata 43.5 42.4 43.2 44.9 43.0 45.1 47.5 46.5 250 537110.0
West Coast 60.9 28.6 14.3 14.3 17.9 17.8 32.1 46.3 13 28082.5
Whanganui 133.0 110.9 92.7 82.7 64.5 64.5 56.5 76.7 38 49575.0

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PQI05 - COPD or Asthma in Older Adults Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma per 100,000 population
aged 40 years and over, by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 395.4 395.0 422.7 438.7 441.9 454.9 459.0 458.5 1001 218310.0
Bay of Plenty 499.7 513.8 590.0 640.1 665.6 660.4 639.0 629.3 798 126815.0
Canterbury 377.5 370.4 396.2 405.7 422.4 418.5 404.4 391.3 1115 284915.0
Capital & Coast 303.8 310.9 334.1 346.1 365.7 366.4 357.3 358.0 515 143850.0
Counties Manukau Health 457.1 469.7 461.0 464.0 480.0 458.4 501.6 502.8 1245 247625.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 697.4 736.8 821.6 909.7 976.6 708.1 899.6 871.0 196 22502.5
Hawke's Bay 847.3 799.6 827.7 879.3 864.1 809.7 867.8 831.8 717 86195.0
Hutt Valley 523.4 509.0 539.6 541.0 554.9 599.1 682.1 707.2 513 72535.0
Lakes 713.5 719.8 750.7 703.4 680.3 700.5 696.7 718.8 374 52030.0
MidCentral 615.4 582.2 601.8 639.9 659.4 707.4 708.6 704.4 619 87870.0
Nelson Marlborough 380.8 401.2 435.8 428.3 444.4 467.8 457.5 451.2 395 87545.0
Northland 649.6 705.2 776.2 826.7 852.4 812.9 779.8 794.0 747 94085.0
South Canterbury 539.9 512.0 547.5 546.4 514.0 518.9 518.9 523.8 178 33985.0
Southern 496.7 469.5 482.7 532.6 543.9 539.1 499.1 473.6 760 160485.0
Taranaki 740.3 767.7 819.6 791.6 801.3 765.6 783.2 760.8 476 62567.5
Waikato 643.9 649.3 690.3 704.1 729.1 709.5 721.7 717.9 1421 197950.0
Wairarapa 551.8 478.6 494.5 512.1 559.3 568.7 509.9 536.2 137 25550.0
Waitemata 415.9 402.5 438.9 457.1 489.8 507.0 503.4 483.3 1502 310755.0
West Coast 563.5 594.9 702.0 786.2 791.5 544.4 709.9 698.9 131 18745.0
Whanganui 1129.7 1210.5 1300.3 1402.2 1371.2 1361.6 1469.9 1399.7 452 32292.5

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PQI07 - Hypertension Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for hypertension per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 54.3 56.2 57.3 56.0 52.2 51.6 49.1 47.2 213 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 53.9 59.9 63.1 66.4 60.6 61.3 57.7 67.7 131 193510.0
Canterbury 16.8 14.5 15.2 15.9 15.9 18.4 18.2 20.2 96 475425.0
Capital & Coast 35.3 32.5 33.7 31.2 34.7 39.5 42.1 43.8 116 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 46.9 41.7 43.4 47.0 46.8 51.2 51.6 53.6 248 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 26.9 34.9 34.9 37.5 37.5 26.7 37.4 37.4 14 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 46.8 38.3 34.5 35.1 41.2 45.7 48.0 47.1 62 131580.0
Hutt Valley 36.3 35.4 39.6 43.7 39.5 42.8 51.1 50.2 60 119475.0
Lakes 46.8 38.3 38.3 35.9 40.7 60.9 64.5 75.1 63 83860.0
MidCentral 44.4 40.1 40.1 45.6 50.5 50.3 61.5 68.9 99 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 17.6 19.9 21.5 29.4 32.5 34.8 42.7 42.5 54 126975.0
Northland 47.8 48.3 40.5 46.0 46.7 48.7 57.1 62.5 89 142375.0
South Canterbury 32.2 32.1 30.1 34.1 40.1 36.0 28.0 25.9 13 50105.0
Southern 30.5 26.7 24.4 27.0 27.3 34.4 36.6 40.6 109 268515.0
Taranaki 66.9 56.4 49.2 52.1 53.2 46.9 59.1 62.0 61 98460.0
Waikato 41.5 47.1 45.6 47.8 47.2 44.9 47.9 52.5 175 333485.0
Wairarapa 51.6 56.9 56.9 54.1 51.4 62.1 86.4 99.7 37 37095.0
Waitemata 46.2 43.8 43.9 42.8 47.0 53.9 58.6 64.2 345 537110.0
West Coast 60.9 53.7 42.9 50.0 39.3 32.1 67.8 99.7 28 28082.5
Whanganui 120.9 112.9 102.8 82.7 72.6 68.6 102.8 104.9 52 49575.0

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PQI08 - Heart Failure Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for heart failure per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 188.5 197.8 199.8 210.7 217.4 214.0 218.9 205.8 929 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 312.4 297.5 303.8 308.8 326.6 361.6 372.0 369.5 715 193510.0
Canterbury 214.4 221.1 227.3 222.9 220.3 214.7 214.9 213.7 1016 475425.0
Capital & Coast 168.3 167.9 171.0 165.7 164.6 173.0 184.8 182.0 482 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 243.3 246.4 251.7 260.8 256.4 266.7 297.9 303.4 1404 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 443.5 448.0 431.9 404.5 388.4 270.2 433.3 456.6 171 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 340.8 343.8 346.9 335.3 319.3 268.9 300.9 310.8 409 131580.0
Hutt Valley 300.5 315.1 294.9 308.4 308.4 280.0 297.6 288.8 345 119475.0
Lakes 292.8 298.3 324.6 349.2 355.2 380.9 370.2 381.6 320 83860.0
MidCentral 358.3 354.5 355.2 345.6 323.8 347.9 351.4 346.1 497 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 219.8 221.5 223.9 234.0 230.9 256.0 269.4 278.0 353 126975.0
Northland 350.5 356.9 371.1 395.1 424.1 435.1 438.6 432.0 615 142375.0
South Canterbury 320.3 381.6 411.7 402.9 392.9 326.1 328.1 311.3 156 50105.0
Southern 288.2 276.9 272.8 280.6 276.1 267.0 262.2 258.1 693 268515.0
Taranaki 283.0 291.4 311.9 323.1 309.8 332.2 340.3 361.6 356 98460.0
Waikato 323.2 312.7 312.4 315.4 324.2 347.6 356.1 354.1 1181 333485.0
Wairarapa 214.5 219.4 262.7 300.1 286.6 294.2 278.0 234.5 87 37095.0
Waitemata 208.3 214.6 228.9 226.9 230.9 224.8 221.2 219.3 1178 537110.0
West Coast 340.3 343.6 379.4 339.4 303.7 217.5 271.0 292.0 82 28082.5
Whanganui 455.3 514.1 540.3 524.2 516.2 457.8 429.5 437.7 217 49575.0

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PQI09 - Low Birth Weight Rate
shows the number of low birth weight babies (< 2,500 grams) per 1,000 newborns,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 5.59 5.55 6.65 6.76 8.23 7.44 5.94 6.80 23 3383
Bay of Plenty 7.63 6.18 6.11 4.38 2.73 4.63 4.04 5.02 11 2191
Canterbury 8.43 7.81 9.49 10.15 13.07 15.22 12.53 12.33 51 4136
Capital & Coast 5.56 4.41 3.23 2.93 3.87 5.02 6.39 5.64 12 2127
Counties Manukau Health 9.82 6.72 6.72 6.66 13.89 13.32 14.82 14.97 80 5343
Hauora Tairawhiti 16.75 6.98 8.58 6.62 4.98 6.52 5.28 9.54 5 524
Hawke's Bay 32.93 26.02 23.37 18.82 17.43 15.30 13.73 14.04 18 1282
Hutt Valley 3.37 2.72 0.71 1.40 2.98 3.00 2.91 2.24 3 1338
Lakes 18.11 14.69 11.27 7.41 6.30 8.39 9.52 13.32 12 901
MidCentral 5.13 4.13 4.20 2.99 1.80 3.59 7.76 8.42 14 1663
Nelson Marlborough 1.87 2.89 3.91 4.91 4.80 4.02 4.05 3.06 3 980
Northland 4.52 5.89 7.08 9.08 9.99 8.87 8.67 6.08 9 1480
South Canterbury 2.11 3.91 4.07 2.04 2.03 2.08 4.37 4.36 2 459
Southern 2.54 2.93 3.48 3.09 2.02 2.12 1.68 2.49 6 2412
Taranaki 1.93 2.85 3.01 2.98 4.17 3.30 2.16 1.08 1 927
Waikato 11.02 10.09 13.01 11.90 11.23 13.50 9.19 10.39 44 4234
Wairarapa 6.94 7.01 9.71 5.28 5.62 5.52 2.87 2.95 1 339
Waitemata 3.29 3.85 3.99 4.72 5.12 5.43 6.38 6.42 36 5607
West Coast 9.17 13.82 15.08 16.22 12.50 8.62 11.24 . . 158
Whanganui 7.23 5.81 4.44 3.04 4.85 4.81 7.87 6.33 4 632

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PQI10 - Dehydration Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for dehydration per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 226.1 226.8 238.5 248.9 238.8 238.8 244.2 248.9 1124 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 307.6 324.8 356.3 372.0 368.4 375.1 395.9 408.2 790 193510.0
Canterbury 174.8 179.6 185.2 191.0 195.2 195.0 202.0 198.3 943 475425.0
Capital & Coast 215.5 228.3 236.0 245.7 244.6 228.4 238.6 239.8 635 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 243.3 231.3 238.4 254.4 255.7 264.5 292.6 297.3 1376 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 362.8 394.4 431.9 447.4 487.5 393.2 470.8 510.0 191 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 406.8 392.8 374.5 383.4 401.0 387.8 422.8 415.0 546 131580.0
Hutt Valley 253.2 292.3 309.2 337.0 378.2 334.5 405.0 420.2 502 119475.0
Lakes 382.9 425.3 442.0 471.2 480.8 464.5 478.9 469.8 394 83860.0
MidCentral 282.8 269.4 273.6 272.7 267.8 267.6 277.3 268.1 385 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 282.9 308.3 317.1 319.7 337.2 345.3 327.1 320.5 407 126975.0
Northland 334.1 335.5 325.6 356.1 369.6 393.5 447.1 475.5 677 142375.0
South Canterbury 328.3 351.5 347.5 344.8 372.8 374.1 358.1 347.3 174 50105.0
Southern 331.8 360.3 358.4 383.6 395.9 388.0 407.1 391.8 1052 268515.0
Taranaki 313.9 324.2 346.8 358.9 366.0 362.7 364.8 385.9 380 98460.0
Waikato 297.6 309.3 334.9 373.5 374.1 376.0 379.0 381.1 1271 333485.0
Wairarapa 236.2 208.6 235.6 216.3 221.7 226.7 210.5 245.3 91 37095.0
Waitemata 233.3 251.1 274.7 302.5 314.8 313.6 317.6 320.6 1722 537110.0
West Coast 376.2 433.1 447.4 460.9 439.4 306.7 388.7 381.0 107 28082.5
Whanganui 483.5 506.0 510.1 546.4 570.6 564.6 611.0 599.1 297 49575.0

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PQI11 - Bacterial Pneumonia Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for bacterial pneumonia per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 117.5 128.4 149.3 162.8 171.6 187.5 204.9 206.9 934 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 269.0 285.9 335.8 357.4 374.1 404.2 420.8 425.8 824 193510.0
Canterbury 213.1 228.4 250.0 251.8 267.3 284.4 290.8 295.7 1406 475425.0
Capital & Coast 183.6 202.7 220.3 227.0 245.3 251.9 256.9 256.8 680 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 190.3 203.4 218.7 230.3 250.5 247.1 278.9 280.5 1298 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 373.6 372.9 383.6 420.6 447.4 307.6 500.2 475.3 178 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 326.2 364.5 396.7 407.1 401.7 380.9 425.8 435.5 573 131580.0
Hutt Valley 272.7 278.9 281.4 305.9 302.6 327.8 390.7 412.6 493 119475.0
Lakes 412.9 422.9 402.5 417.4 421.0 459.8 461.0 463.9 389 83860.0
MidCentral 385.8 386.8 386.8 405.1 420.6 427.5 448.5 426.9 613 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 254.9 268.5 270.1 276.9 311.8 326.3 343.7 329.2 418 126975.0
Northland 284.8 327.0 337.0 366.1 412.1 436.5 446.4 450.9 642 142375.0
South Canterbury 221.6 233.0 279.2 266.6 296.7 322.1 324.1 361.2 181 50105.0
Southern 251.6 262.6 285.2 314.7 335.3 332.0 354.4 348.6 936 268515.0
Taranaki 317.0 313.9 321.1 337.4 342.5 383.1 360.7 363.6 358 98460.0
Waikato 237.4 249.7 273.1 291.2 300.3 303.1 299.1 289.7 966 333485.0
Wairarapa 309.6 308.8 357.5 335.2 419.1 450.7 461.5 466.4 173 37095.0
Waitemata 162.2 176.7 207.3 226.4 250.8 272.3 286.2 285.8 1535 537110.0
West Coast 304.5 322.1 354.3 328.7 318.0 231.8 306.7 409.5 115 28082.5
Whanganui 515.7 532.3 606.9 617.0 633.1 637.2 643.3 653.6 324 49575.0

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PQI12 - Urinary Tract Infection Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for urinary tract infection per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 198.3 198.0 205.0 216.5 227.5 237.9 252.0 249.8 1128 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 298.1 293.3 286.9 301.5 314.0 332.0 339.2 349.9 677 193510.0
Canterbury 171.6 166.8 164.5 160.6 166.1 169.0 175.1 188.7 897 475425.0
Capital & Coast 206.7 206.9 193.2 192.8 198.1 216.6 253.1 272.3 721 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 229.6 232.0 223.8 238.4 250.0 256.9 290.0 298.6 1382 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 368.2 327.3 279.0 273.2 259.8 211.3 329.0 349.8 131 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 317.8 304.0 278.7 271.1 298.6 307.8 356.5 387.6 510 131580.0
Hutt Valley 278.6 286.4 289.8 314.3 312.6 307.7 373.1 391.7 468 119475.0
Lakes 272.4 293.5 297.1 333.7 344.5 390.5 419.2 431.7 362 83860.0
MidCentral 225.7 218.7 212.4 204.0 218.7 221.4 228.4 228.4 328 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 294.9 293.2 297.1 305.4 334.0 344.5 365.0 377.2 479 126975.0
Northland 334.1 325.6 329.9 344.1 369.6 390.0 408.3 449.5 640 142375.0
South Canterbury 221.6 243.0 247.0 290.6 310.7 294.1 328.1 323.3 162 50105.0
Southern 259.9 252.5 240.4 244.6 246.1 245.0 269.7 294.2 790 268515.0
Taranaki 379.7 397.0 423.7 418.2 393.6 382.1 377.0 378.8 373 98460.0
Waikato 282.0 285.0 282.9 281.2 287.0 303.4 312.4 337.9 1127 333485.0
Wairarapa 217.2 205.9 203.1 210.9 210.9 232.1 245.6 258.8 96 37095.0
Waitemata 258.7 262.1 275.1 283.4 302.1 309.3 318.7 332.3 1785 537110.0
West Coast 225.7 214.7 239.8 242.9 246.5 196.1 278.2 324.0 91 28082.5
Whanganui 550.0 506.0 491.9 469.8 479.9 469.9 518.2 510.3 253 49575.0

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PQI13 - Angina Without Procedure Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for angina without a cardiac procedure per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 45.2 46.4 49.4 52.2 54.4 53.3 57.6 52.7 238 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 106.2 116.7 123.0 146.3 143.2 141.8 155.3 132.3 256 193510.0
Canterbury 30.8 31.4 31.4 29.3 29.6 31.9 31.1 29.2 139 475425.0
Capital & Coast 42.3 39.0 35.2 39.6 41.1 43.6 46.7 43.4 115 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 50.7 52.7 50.5 51.2 50.5 49.0 53.4 50.3 233 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 201.6 214.6 201.2 190.2 182.2 123.0 168.5 162.9 61 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 83.7 73.5 64.3 60.3 52.7 51.8 58.7 66.9 88 131580.0
Hutt Valley 59.9 61.5 64.0 62.2 58.0 56.2 60.4 67.0 80 119475.0
Lakes 148.8 150.9 154.5 175.8 185.4 212.6 234.1 243.3 204 83860.0
MidCentral 83.9 85.8 98.5 97.4 110.7 113.9 126.4 135.8 195 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 77.5 78.9 75.7 77.0 72.2 73.5 95.6 100.8 128 126975.0
Northland 135.6 137.2 127.2 138.1 135.9 131.9 134.7 129.2 184 142375.0
South Canterbury 90.6 90.4 94.4 104.2 98.2 104.0 112.0 93.8 47 50105.0
Southern 88.9 89.8 86.4 87.3 85.0 87.4 100.5 104.3 280 268515.0
Taranaki 226.4 216.5 203.1 192.2 185.1 187.5 172.2 189.9 187 98460.0
Waikato 114.9 121.0 124.1 119.0 114.7 123.2 118.7 113.3 378 333485.0
Wairarapa 76.0 73.1 73.1 73.0 89.2 94.5 94.5 94.4 35 37095.0
Waitemata 53.0 52.0 55.4 59.7 59.3 62.4 62.4 62.2 334 537110.0
West Coast 143.3 150.3 175.4 164.3 132.2 103.4 107.0 128.2 36 28082.5
Whanganui 199.4 215.7 215.7 207.7 173.4 159.3 155.3 143.2 71 49575.0

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PQI14 - Uncontrolled Diabetes Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for diabetes without mention of short- or long-term complications per 100,000 population
aged 15 years and over, by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 31.7 35.1 37.2 36.0 32.2 28.8 24.5 25.2 114 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 38.6 32.6 42.0 40.2 40.2 38.4 32.2 32.0 62 193510.0
Canterbury 23.9 25.7 22.7 22.1 21.1 17.8 21.1 20.4 97 475425.0
Capital & Coast 30.0 29.5 29.1 28.2 30.5 28.8 29.2 33.6 89 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 43.1 43.9 42.8 45.5 47.5 41.4 42.9 39.8 184 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 67.2 53.7 53.7 53.6 53.6 42.8 48.1 40.1 15 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 51.4 55.1 49.8 52.7 44.3 42.7 44.9 44.1 58 131580.0
Hutt Valley 51.5 43.0 37.9 40.3 35.3 31.9 35.2 37.7 45 119475.0
Lakes 43.2 44.3 43.1 40.7 37.1 49.0 52.5 58.4 49 83860.0
MidCentral 26.1 24.6 25.3 24.5 25.9 28.6 29.3 29.9 43 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough 28.8 27.1 28.7 34.1 30.1 28.4 27.7 25.2 32 126975.0
Northland 44.3 44.8 50.5 58.1 58.1 46.5 40.2 36.5 52 142375.0
South Canterbury 44.3 42.2 42.2 42.1 40.1 42.0 38.0 41.9 21 50105.0
Southern 42.6 47.3 39.4 38.6 42.0 37.0 42.6 41.0 110 268515.0
Taranaki 43.2 44.1 39.0 34.8 32.7 41.8 41.8 44.7 44 98460.0
Waikato 45.8 45.6 46.8 44.5 38.1 34.9 32.5 34.2 114 333485.0
Wairarapa 16.3 19.0 21.7 18.9 27.0 32.4 37.8 45.8 17 37095.0
Waitemata 27.4 27.9 28.3 29.7 29.4 31.4 31.7 31.8 171 537110.0
West Coast 53.7 57.3 50.1 42.9 46.4 32.1 57.1 67.7 19 28082.5
Whanganui 128.9 127.0 98.8 88.7 70.6 52.4 56.5 48.4 24 49575.0

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PQI15 - Asthma in Younger Adults Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for asthma per 100,000 population aged from 15 to 39 years,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 75.2 87.8 95.3 91.0 90.6 79.1 70.5 63.9 149 233190.0
Bay of Plenty 96.7 128.2 128.2 141.0 139.5 132.6 125.1 119.9 80 66695.0
Canterbury 27.2 34.0 37.2 34.9 33.9 32.2 30.0 31.0 59 190510.0
Capital & Coast 64.8 79.6 85.5 86.0 77.6 68.2 62.4 59.5 72 120925.0
Counties Manukau Health 66.7 68.1 73.3 73.6 82.1 90.4 89.0 86.9 187 215195.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 128.0 127.7 114.2 134.2 100.6 73.7 93.8 93.7 14 14947.5
Hawke's Bay 111.2 95.4 95.4 123.9 117.3 141.2 154.5 143.2 65 45385.0
Hutt Valley 117.5 134.6 149.6 145.0 157.8 146.8 149.0 144.9 68 46940.0
Lakes 151.9 195.8 186.4 186.0 179.7 144.7 144.7 141.4 45 31830.0
MidCentral 101.5 99.5 92.3 93.8 82.9 79.1 84.5 98.7 55 55715.0
Nelson Marlborough 79.5 79.4 84.6 89.3 68.9 73.7 81.3 88.8 35 39430.0
Northland 137.1 140.6 170.0 173.4 175.5 170.6 164.4 159.5 77 48290.0
South Canterbury 31.4 37.5 50.0 43.7 43.7 43.6 31.1 31.0 5 16120.0
Southern 59.9 71.9 75.7 76.4 82.9 78.9 81.7 69.4 75 108030.0
Taranaki 134.4 125.9 103.6 95.0 78.3 80.9 83.7 80.8 29 35892.5
Waikato 72.7 96.3 100.8 98.1 102.6 87.4 88.9 95.2 129 135535.0
Wairarapa 68.7 51.5 43.0 43.1 60.3 51.9 95.2 112.6 13 11545.0
Waitemata 82.8 84.5 85.4 93.3 109.4 112.2 111.8 112.7 255 226355.0
West Coast 21.6 43.1 86.2 107.6 96.9 75.2 129.0 128.5 12 9337.5
Whanganui 323.2 410.4 375.7 318.1 289.2 196.8 167.9 162.0 28 17282.5

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PQI16 - Lower-Extremity Amputation Diabetes Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for diabetes-related lower-extremity amputation per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q2 _2022Q3 _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q1_N _2024Q1_D
Auckland 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 1.6 2.7 3.1 3.1 14 451500.0
Bay of Plenty 1.6 2.6 3.7 4.2 5.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 14 193510.0
Canterbury 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.3 0.8 4 475425.0
Capital & Coast 1.5 3.1 3.1 3.8 3.4 1.9 3.0 2.6 7 264775.0
Counties Manukau Health 1.8 2.2 2.7 2.4 3.7 4.4 5.0 5.4 25 462820.0
Hauora Tairawhiti 5.4 2.7 2.7 5.4 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.3 2 37450.0
Hawke's Bay 3.8 3.8 5.4 5.3 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.3 7 131580.0
Hutt Valley 3.4 4.2 5.1 4.2 2.5 1.7 0.8 3.3 4 119475.0
Lakes 6.0 6.0 3.6 4.8 3.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2 83860.0
MidCentral 7.1 7.0 7.0 5.6 3.5 4.2 6.3 6.3 9 143585.0
Nelson Marlborough . . . . . 0.8 0.8 1.6 2 126975.0
Northland 3.6 1.4 0.7 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 4.2 6 142375.0
South Canterbury 2.0 2.0 . . . . . . . 50105.0
Southern 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.1 1.1 2.2 6 268515.0
Taranaki 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.1 3.1 2.0 2 98460.0
Waikato 3.7 3.3 4.3 3.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 3.0 10 333485.0
Wairarapa . . . . . . 2.7 2.7 1 37095.0
Waitemata 1.5 1.0 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.6 1.1 0.9 5 537110.0
West Coast . . 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 . . . 28082.5
Whanganui 6.0 6.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 1 49575.0

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