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Te Pū rauemi KOWHEORI-19 COVID-19 resource hub

Support for people working in health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find information about how you can support yourselves and others, including consumers, teams and colleagues which complements and aligns with Ministry of Health resources.

Kia āta kōwhiri Choosing Wisely

The Choosing Wisely campaign seeks to reduce harm from unnecessary and low-value tests and treatment.

Ō mātou wawata me ngā uara

Our vision and values

Learn about the vision and values that guide Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission's work.

Our vision:  Hauora kounga mō te katoa, quality health for all.  

Our mission: Whakauru. Whakamōhio. Whakaawe. Whakapai Ake. Involve. Inform. Influence. Improve. 

Ā mātau kaupapa matua pūmaui | Our enduring priorities: 

  • Embedding and enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Pursuing health equity 

Ā mātau kaupapa rautaki matua | Our strategic priorities: 

  • Improving experience for consumers and whānau
  • Enabling the workforce as improvers
  • Strengthening systems for quality services
  • Leading health quality intelligence
  • Guiding improvement to prevent avoidable mortality

Our values

Ngākau tuwhera

Ko tō mātau ahurea he ngākau tuwhera, pono, tūturu, manaaki hoki. He mea nui ki a mātau ngā pūkenga, mōhio, wheako hoki o ētahi atu me te tauawhi i ngā aronga auaha, whakaaro rerekē hoki.


We have an open, honest, transparent and respectful culture. We value the expertise, knowledge and experience of others and welcome creative approaches and diverse opinions.

Te tāpiri uara

E aro ana mātau ki te tāpiri me te whakaatu i tō mātau uara ki te pūnaha hauora me te hauātanga me te hauora o ngā hapori.

Adding value

We focus on adding and demonstrating our value to the health and disability system and to the health of communities. 


E whakahohe ana mātau me te whakahohe i ētahi atu mā tō mātou ngākaunui ki te whakapai ake i ngā ratonga tautoko hauora me te hauātanga.


We are energised and energise others by our passion for improving health and disability support services.

Mō te iwi

Enanaiore ana ki ngā mea hira ki ngā tūroro/kiritaki me ō rātau whānau, ā, me ngā mea ka whakapiki i te hauora o ngā hapori me ngā taupori.

It's about people

We are driven by what matters to patients/consumers and their families/whānau, and by what will improve the health of communities and populations.


Ka hono mātau me ētahi atu, me te ako ngātahi, tuari hoki. Ka whakamahia ngā wheako kiritaki, ngā mōhio o ngā pukenga me ngā kōrero onāianei ki te rapu tikanga hou mō te whakaaro me te rapu kia pai ake ngā mahi.


We partner with others, and learn and share together. We use consumer experience, expert knowledge and current information to come up with new ways of thinking and better ways of doing things.  


Published: 13 Oct 2021 Modified: 21 Mar 2025