We want discussion to be as free and open as possible.
To protect our online community, comments are moderated using the following discussion rules:
- Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic.
- Respect others. Do not submit comments that are harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated, racially offensive unlawful (such as comments that are defamatory or content that is in breach of copyright). This includes comments that are offensive to others with regards to religion, gender, nationality or other personal characteristic.
- Protect the privacy of yourself and others. Do not submit comments that contain personal information about yourself or others. For example, last names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, job titles or other online contact details.
- Do not advertise or promote products or services.
We reserve the right to remove any content we believe violates our community rules. We may also report, block or ban anyone who breaches these rules.
As well as the above, all content is subject to each platform’s own community standards.
- Community Standards for Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Threads)
- LinkedIn Professional Community Policies
- The X Rules
- Vimeo Acceptable Use Community Guidelines
- YouTube’s Community Guidelines
How to contact us
We monitor our social media accounts during New Zealand business hours:
8.30 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
We try to respond to private or direct messages within 48 hours.
If you have:
- concerns about Te Tāhū Hauora social media use
- a formal request, comment or enquiry
please email info@hqsc.govt.nz or phone 04 901 6040.
Any media queries should be sent to: communications@hqsc.govt.nz